Friday, August 17, 2012

Counting Thanks

Samuel's New Thankfulness List
(done with no help from anyone, only the typing by Mom)

1. my legos
2. my lego magazines
3. my house
4. the Boxcar Children books
5. the trees
6. the bushes
7. my trampoline
8. my playhouse
9. our food
10. farmer's market
11. our stove to cook on
12. the whole world
13. all my daddy and mommy's books
14. all of our books
15. my mommy
16. my daddy
17. 2 sisters
18. brother
19. Derrin building stuff for us
20. the whole church
21. the Holy Spirit
22. the Gospel

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Samuel's thankfulness list

Samuel starting to count his blessings, age 6 3/4

1. Our house
2. The Boxcar Children books
3. Monkeys
4. Couches
5. Tables
6. Bookshelves
7. My Side of the Mountain
8. My two sisters and brother
9. Pillows on the couches
10. Our oven

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Praying for Mommy

Samuel -
My little prophet through whom God already speaks so powerfully...

He prayed for me last night and prayed that I would be able to not fight with Daddy and that I would basically be able to trust God with the food issue.

Thank You Jesus.  You know I need my children's prayers and the amazing ways they minister to me already!

My Child Wise Beyond His Years

Yesterday when we were packing up to leave from the cabin where we were staying with Papa Jim and Nana for the week, I couldn't find one of Jeremiah's shoes anywhere.  After searching high and low for a good 15 minutes or more, including having the children scour everywhere, I finally gave up and just hoped it was in our stuff somewhere.  Finally right before we left, my mom found it behind the washer and dryer. Of all the places!  And just in the nick of time!

On the drive home, Samuel so sweetly and cutely began to tell me how he thought he knew what God was doing.  He basically explained how God wanted us to stop trying to do it ourselves and to wait on Him and trust in Him and let Him do it.  What a wise young man I already have on my hands at the young age of 5 1/2.

Thank You Lord for this voice of wisdom already in my life.